Sustained Conversations

Sustained Conversation groups meet regularly with the goal of engaging in civil discourse and forging relationships outside of one’s normal circle to help people develop empathy and understanding of different perspectives through ongoing dialogue. We connect you to others based on an interview that helps us understand your goals, values, background and other characteristics that we use as a guide in matching you to a group. Vulnerability, transparency and honesty serve as the basis of dialogue.

Whichever option you choose, we ask that members attend at least one meeting every other week (2 per month) to maintain the energy of the ongoing dialogue. Sessions will last for 1.5 - 2 hours and a maximum of 4 sessions will be held each month. The minimum number of sign-ups to establish a group will be 8 people and maximum will be 12. We recommend that you attend at least 3 months worth of sessions. In person meetings will be held either in private homes or reserved spaces.